A Guinea Pig and a Mysterious Murder
By Year 4
Around a year ago a guinea pig named Biscuit fell into a puddle in the middle of the road.
Her sidekick Mike the Mouse came along and said, “What are you doing in the middle of the road?”
“Trying to take a shower” replied Biscuit. Mike joined her in the puddle.
A car came rushing towards them. Biscuit grabbed Mike by the hand and cartwheeled him off the road and Mike said, “You could be in the travelling circus!”
They jumped onto another car that was travelling towards the circus, which had a poster on it saying: “Come and join the Circus”.
When they got there the circus had been closed down by the Ringmaster due to a murdering trapeze artist.
Suddenly there was a scream and Mike was gone. He was up on the trapeze shouting that there had been another murder. Mike had followed a trail of bloodied footsteps and found another dead body!……